Laboratory Testing

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam
"If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun."

Sir M Visvesvaraya
"Engineers don’t just build structures they build dreams."

"Expand your horizons and pave the way for the future."
Laboratory Testing for Chemical, NDT, Mechanical (Lab & Field)

Mechanical Testing
- Sieve Analysis
- Particle Size Analysis by Hydrometer
- Specific gravity
- Natural Moisture Content
- Liquid Limit
- Plastic Limit
- Shrinkage limit
- Free Swell Index
- Light Compaction Test (Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content)
- Heavy Compaction Test (Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content)
- California Bearing Ratio (Lab CBR) Soak & Unsoak
- Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil
- Triaxial Compression Test-Unconsolidated Undrained (UU)
- Triaxial Compression Test-Consolidated Undrained (CU) with Pore Pressure Measurement
- Triaxial Compression Test-Consolidated Drained (CD)
- Direct Shear Test-Unconsolidated
- Undrained (UU)
- Direct Shear Test-Consolidated
- Undrained (CU)
- Direct Shear Test-Consolidated
- Drained (CD)
- Consolidation Test
- Swelling Pressure Test
- Lab Vane Shear Test
- Silt Factor
- Permeability by Constant head
- Permeability by Falling head
- Soil & Sand Equivalent Test
Stabilised Soil
- Natural Moisture Content
- Light Compaction Test (Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content)
- Heavy Compaction Test (Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content)
- Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil
- Natural Moisture Content
- Sand Content
- Liquid Limit
Rock & Building Stone
- Compressive Strength of Natural Building Stones
- Tensile Strength of Natural Building Stones
- Transverse Strength of Natural Building Stones
Building Stone
- Compressive Strength of Natural Building Stones
- Tensile Strength of Natural Building Stones
- Transverse Strength of Natural Building Stones
Petrographic Analysis
- Rock & Natural Stone
- Fine Aggregates
- Coarse Aggregates
- Concrete
Fine Aggregates
- Sieve Analysis (Sieve Size 75 um to 4.75 mm)
- Sieve Analysis (Material Finer Than 75 um)
- Silt Content
- Specific Gravity
- Deleterious Materials
- Bulk Density
- Bulkage
- Organic Impurities for fine Aggregate
- Soil & Sand Equivalent Test
- Soundness by Na2SO4, MgSO4
- Water Absorption
- Petrographic Analysis
Coarse Aggregates
- Deleterious Materials
- Soundness by Na, SO, & MgSO,
- Petrographic Analysis
- Compressive Strength of Cube
- Compressive Strength of Core
- Longitudinal, Flexural and Torsional Resonance Testing
- Pull Out Test-Reinforced Concrete
- Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity
- Petrographic Analysis
Chemical Testing
- pH Value
- Chloride Content
- Determination of Total Soluble sulphate content (as So₄)
- Determination of Total Soluble sulphate content (as So₃)
- Organic Content (Mass Loss on Ignition) & Inorganic Content
- Organic Content & Inorganic Content
- Carbonate (as Co₂)
- Carbonate (as CaCO₃)
- Total Soluble Solids
Ground Water
- pH Value
- Chloride Content
- Sulphate Content
- Organic & Inorganic content
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Total Suspended Solids
- Acidity
- Alkalinity
Construction Water
- pH
- Chloride Content
- Sulphate Content
- Organic Content
- Inorganic Content
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Total Suspended Solid
- Acidity & Alkalinity

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam
"If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun."

Sir M Visvesvaraya
"Engineers don’t just build structures they build dreams."

"Expand your horizons and pave the way for the future."